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Big Blue

drawing by alumna member, @creations_byhannah on instagram

Welcome to Big Blue!

Built in 1906, Big Blue is located at 606 W. 5th St, just a few blocks from the Chico State campus!
It is said that originally, our house was built specifically for C.C. Matthew, a bookkeeper, and later used as a dentist office. 

Our home consists of a front and side yard, a large kitchen and rustic dining room, a cozy living room, and seven bedrooms: two singles and five doubles housing 12 members. Big Blue is always busy with sisters sharing a meal at the dining room table, studying for classes, or watching movies together on the couch!

Whether you are a new member, an active member, or one of our beloved alumnae members, Big Blue is always open to our members as a home away from home!



"When deciding to live in Big Blue, my biggest motivation was the location. But after spending a year in the house, I never want to leave! Living-in has not only given me some of my best friends, but has brought me so much closer to the Epsilon Kappa chapter as a whole, as well as motivated me to take on an executive position this year. I have made lifelong connections and memories that have made my year in Big Blue the highlight of my college experience so far. I cannot wait to spend another year living in and would highly recommend it to anyone!"
- Rachel Hedman, PC '20

“Having the chance to live in Big Blue has been an experience I will never forget. The memories of getting ready together for GPhi events, binging movies and shows, and getting to live with 12 of what came to be some of my best friends is something I will always hold near and dear to my heart. This experience has grown my love for the sorority and made me have one of the best years of my life.”
- Natalie Delgado, PC '20

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